
Well hello there!

I’m Vladimir Halinen, founder of CatPick Studios and Is This Gear Good?.

If you’re familiar with my YouTube channel you might already know who I am, but in case you don’t, here it goes: Guitar was the second instrument I picked up as a kid. I actually started with piano and my little brother chose guitar. At some point I noticed that guitar is way more suited for playing this cool new music I discovered called metal and decided to learn guitar as well while keeping up with the classical piano studies as well.

As time passed guitar started to feel like The Way to express myself and as they say, the rest is history.

I was introduced to guitar gear fairly early as well after realising I needed to get a tuner for my new electric guitar I just got and begged my dad to get me a Zoom 505 MKII. That thing had both a tuner AND bunch of amps, effects and other crazy sounding things that I absolutely loved.

When I moved to a big city (this sounds like a bad movie script, I know) I met some new friends that had big guitar rigs, huge keyboard racks etc. and those people basically set me on a life long journey of getting inspired by new sounds and ways to create them.

Thanks for being part of the journey!